The Highway-South Company is increasing its team The number of employees in 2021 has increased to 6,500 professionals
For Students
From student internship to permanent employment The company pays for training by offering jobs to graduates of specialized higher education establishments
The Highway-South Company has launched a loan program for students on a contract basis. After receiving their diplomas, they are employed by our company. We cooperate with the National Transport University and Kharkiv National Automobile and Road Construction University. Since 2016, the partner of the Highway-South Company is one of the best Road Construction educational institutions in the country - the Bar College of Transport and Construction of NTU, which is located in Vinnytsia Region. The Highway-South Company invites fourth-year students and graduates of specialized educational institutions to study under the "Getting a Profession" program. The program is already yielding positive results: almost half of those students and graduates who studied in 2016-2017, were employed in our company. Our student education lending program is no less successful: everyone we helped get an education is now an active member of the Highway-South Company team.

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